
Exclusive Authorization

On April 17, 2016, Broadway's Tony Awards officially launched in Beijing, China. China became one of only four countries worldwide to receive official authorization for the Tony Awards. "Tony Awards China" (Beijing Junli Tiandi) became the first official operator in the Greater China region in the 70-year history of the Tony Awards, exclusively enjoying rights such as the live broadcast and rebroadcast of the Tony Awards ceremony in the Greater China region.  


Platform Introduction

“托尼奖·中国”(纽约时代广场传媒)位于纽约曼哈顿中城以及北京华贸中心,是美国百老汇“托尼奖”在大中华地区的唯一官方运营平台。   美国百老汇“托尼奖”设立于1947年,是百老汇联盟以及美国戏剧委员会共同设立的国际戏剧行业最高奖项,与电影奥斯卡奖、音乐格莱美奖以及电视艾美奖并称美国艺术界四大顶级奖项。“托尼奖”的意义不止于世界戏剧界的顶级文化IP,更在于背后先进成熟的文化产业引擎,即以经典舞台演艺IP为龙头衍生出的全业态文化演艺街区。2016年4月17日,百老汇“托尼奖”落户中国北京。中国成为全球仅有的获得美国百老汇“托尼奖”官方授权的四个国家之一。“托尼奖·中国”(纽约时代广场传媒)成为“托