The Only Authorized Greater China Partner of the Tony Awards

New York Times Square Media, established in 2010,
has the mission of promoting cultural exchange between China and the United States and enhancing friendship between the two countries.
Its vision is to be the most influential promoter in advancing the development of the world's theater industry.


"Tony Awards China" (New York Times Square Media) is located in Midtown Manhattan, New York, and Beijing's China World Trade Center. It is the only official platform authorized to operate the American Broadway Tony Awards in the Greater China region.   

The Tony Awards, established in 1947 by the Broadway League and the American Theatre Wing, is the highest international honor in the theater industry. It ranks alongside the Oscars for film, the Grammys for music, and the Emmys for television as one of the four most prestigious awards in the American arts world. The Tony Awards are not only a symbol of the highest level of global theater but also represent a sophisticated and mature cultural industry engine, with iconic stage performance intellectual property (IP) leading to the development of comprehensive cultural and performance districts.



中国知名音乐剧演员蒋倩如受”托尼奖·中国”邀请,亮相纽约,出席第77届托尼奖红毯典礼,成为本届唯一受邀的中国女演员。 蒋倩如是上海音乐学院的音乐剧专业的首届毕业生,多年来以精湛的演技和动人的歌声,为观众带来了无数感动和震撼,被誉为行业”大师姐”。代表作品包括《嫌疑人X的献身》、《爱情神话》、《天地运河情》、《猎罪图鉴》、《隐秘的角落》等,作为见证和推动中国音乐剧发展20余年的初代演员,为中国原创音乐剧的兴起和繁荣做出了卓越贡献。 第77届托尼奖于2024年6月16日在纽约林肯表演艺术中心举行,本季度共有28部年度杰出音乐剧与话剧作品角逐26个奖项,超过百位顶尖艺术家获得提名,汇聚全球戏剧界的目光。蒋倩如作为”托尼奖·中国”的特邀嘉宾,与世界各地的同行共同见证这一荣耀时刻,以东方之韵、民族之美,向世界述说中国音乐剧的闪耀梦想。 托尼奖作为全球戏剧领域的奥斯卡,每年通过表彰戏剧佳作,激励全球的戏剧艺术家们勇于创新、不断超越。此次蒋倩如的亮相,不仅是个人的荣誉,更代表着中国音乐剧走向世界宏大愿景。 蒋倩如在红毯采访中表示


76届托尼奖现场音乐剧精彩片段 歌曲“Wishing You Were Here Somehow Here Again” (愿你此地重现)选自 音乐剧《Phantom of the Opera》(歌剧魅影)

在第76届托尼奖的”缅怀”环节,华金娜·卡卢坎戈(Joaquina Kalukango)献唱了《歌剧魅影》中的经典曲目《Wishing You Were Here Somehow Here Again》,向这部传奇音乐剧致敬。同时,中国版”魅影”扮演者阿云嘎也受邀来到现场,见证这一荣耀时刻。